
Mediation can be a very cost effective and faster way to resolve your family law case. Mesnik Law Group has extensive experience mediating family law cases such as divorce, child custody, and child support and has had formal training in mediation techniques. Our office will help you resolve disputes and we can help draft all the necessary documents and court filings for a no hassle resolution to your case. Contact us today to speak with one of our experienced San Diego mediation lawyers.

Role of a Divorce Mediator Lawyer

At Mesnik Law Group, divorce mediators are all lawyers. Our role as a neutral mediator is to assist the parties in understanding the divorce process, negotiating terms of property division, child custody issues, and support issues, both spousal support, and child support. At Mesnik Law Group, our mediators also assist the parties in drafting all the required forms and documents to process the divorce, from the initial petition for divorce (FL-100), the required financial disclosures, the contract known as a Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) that documents the agreements reached in mediaton, and the final judgment forms.

All of our divorce mediators are California licensed lawyers who exclusively practice family law and are highly experienced in helping families through the divorce process.

Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Mediator Lawyer

The most obvious beneift of hiring a divorce mediation lawyer is the cost savings. Hiring 1 lawyer instead of 2, can cut the cost of a divorce instantly in half. However, the cost savings go far beyond hiring fewer professionals. A divorce mediator can help you stay out of the courtroom. Anytime spouses end up in court arguing about divorce issues the costs can increase significantly due to the court filing fees as well as the costs of the laweyers' time spent arguing your case.

A divorce mediator will assist you to understand your options, and understand the benefits and drawbacks to each option; which can help you negotiate with your spouse a reasonable solution that will keep you out of the courtroom.

Using a divorce mediator will also minimize the emotional trauma that a divorce proceeding can have on you and your family. A more civil process will simply cause less damage. Our mediators are highly experienced in guding divorcing couples to a mutually beneficial resolution leaving you able to move on with your life.

Common Questions and Misconseptions about a Divorce Mediation

If I engage a divorce mediator does that mean I cannot hire my own attorney?
Answer: No.

While a divorce mediation lawer can answer the majority of your questions during the mediation process, and in the majority of our cases neither party hires another attorney. You may have questions that would be inapprorpaite for the mediator to answer, the most commong being "should I accept that offer." A mediator is a neutral party, meaning they should not be picking sides or giving advice that benefits one party over the other. In such cases, hiring your own attorney to provide advice regarding an offer, or review the documents prepared during the process is encouraged when needed.

Do I still have to go to court if I use a mediator for my divorce?
Answer: Not usually.

Using the services of a divorce mediator is supposed to keep you out of the Courtroom. The mediator will assist you in filing the necessary documents with the Court without having to go down to the courthouse. In certain circumstances if the case takes a long time to resolve, the Court may require that you make an appearance in court to give the judge an update on the process. Your mediator will assist you in avoiding those hearings and can guide you in what to tell your judge if unavoidable.

If you need help to resolve your divorce, child custody, or property disputes, our Divorce Mediation Lawyers in San Diego can help! To help resolve your dispute our Attorneys will meet with you and help you to reach a settlement acceptable to everyone. The job of our Mediation Lawyers in San Diego is to help negotiate the legal issues like property division, child support, spousal support, and parenting and put the final decision into a separation agreement which is then signed by both the parties.

All our attorneys have undergone extensive training, are equipped with the skills, and have a great understanding of Divorce Mediation in San Diego.
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